Dissident journalism and prisoners of conscience

A dissident, broadly defined, is a person who actively challenges an established doctrine, policy, or institution.

In 2016 74 journalists were killed because of their work as journalists. 53 of them were selectively killed due to their work. The other 21 were killed during their mission.


So in the last ten years 695 journalists were killed doing their work. The most dangerous countries for journalists in 2016 were Syria, Mexico, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan. About two-thirds of the victims were killed in these countries.


348 journalists were imprisoned – especially in China, Syria, Iran, Turkey and Egypt.

Furthermore, 53 journalists were kidnaped in only three countries: Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

This year’s data look similarily black: 47 journalists were killed and 166 are imprisoned.

This committee’s task will be to protect the freedom of press and to enforce the “Charta of Human Rights”.


